Sunday 27 October 2013

Why Margate SHOULD Be Successful.

Margate is a seaside town in Thanet, South-East England. It was once a well-known holidaymaker hotspot, where families would flock to indulge in the seaside culture of fish and chips, candyfloss, icecream, rock and sand.  Mods and Rockers swarmed into the town in the 1960s, causing trouble on holiday weekends. The theme park, Dreamland, was a huge attraction for all ages, and arcades were full of children and teenages, begging their parents for more coppers. Unfortunately this is, for the most part, now just an image of Margate, whilst the high-street stands as a ghost town. The episode A Jolly Outing, in Only Fools and Horses, summed up what Margate was – A Jolly Outing – and it still could be! 

Margate Harbour Arm - with some fantastic bars, cafes and gallery spaces.


Artwork in the train station - a lovely surprise when I came home!
In more recent years, Margate has found itself struggling to keep tourists attracted, and in the winter season, it collapses altogether. However, there is still success in the area, and it is they who we shall learn from. The Old Town is a shining example of what Margate should be heading for. People look for charm and character, something original, and that is exactly what this quarter delivers. Its vintage style and charm is a reflection of the town’s heyday, but with a retro-futurist edge. The clusters of cafes, vintage clothes shops, quirky bars and art galleries bring an interesting edge into the area, and people LOVE IT. After losing yourself in beautiful clothes (some homemade and 100% original), you could find yourself sitting in Angela’s café, what looks to be a regular greasy spoon, but turns out to be so, so much more. You indulge in something delicious, in a setting that somewhat resembles an old, American diner, the walls donned with images of Margate’s very own Mods and Rockers, before heading to her vintage pinball room to play on some truly nostalgic machines. Afterwards, you could head across to the Lighthouse Bar, a sweet, nautical little bar with a selection of ciders and ales to try, before going to local art galleries and, of course, the Turner Centre. All in all, the old town is beautiful. They indulge the artistic and quirky side of our seaside town, and blow it up for everyone to see. In the summer season, music is often staged outside for various events, and the tiny area around Pete’s Fish Factory, Milos and Kiss Me Quick is soon teeming with people. Why can’t the rest of Margate follow this example?
My personal opinion is that Margate could truly become an art town. The Turner Centre has brought in thousands of visitors each year, and the town is bursting at the seams with local talent from artists, performers, musicians, dancers, filmmakers and writers. Utilising this could be a key factor in the rise of our dying town. 


It’s no secret to any of us Thanet locals; we do love a good party. Broadstairs Folk Week sees the small town filled with people from all walks of life, coming together to enjoy the atmosphere, stalls, live music, activities and, of course, Morris Dancers. Considering the successes of all of the local festivals and carnivals that brighten up our area in the summer period, why not consider some winter ones? With the large amount of indoor venues and bars, the festival fun could continue through the Christmas period, and hopefully bring more money into the area. 


The plans for a Tesco superstore on the seafront of Margate is, in my opinion, not a good idea. I understand the idea behind the amount of jobs it will bring to the area, but what we are not looking at is the huge amount of jobs that it will also take away from some of the smaller industries surrounding it. Picture it this way - Tesco’s will be clever and knows the area it’s in. It won’t consider the bucket and spade shop that has been stood by the arcades for years, and it won’t consider the café, or ice cream stores on the sea front, but it WILL consider its own profit. So, of course Tesco is going to target the most likely audience – tourists. Just think of the discounted packs of ice lollies, and low priced meal deals that will take money out of the small businesses, who have built their living on this target market.
All in all, we have been given pretty much one Tesco per town (no, really, and they want to build on in Westgate too – an even smaller town) and I think the locals are getting sick. Where is the creativity, the originality, the character? Nobody wants to visit a town that looks like all the others, so why are we filling a valuable building space, which could be turned into so much more, into yet another superstore?
I agree with the public – No to Tesco.


Mary Portas, the crowned ‘Queen of the High-street’ chose Margate as one of her Portas Pilots, a project in which the intelligent and savvy seller aims to reboot some of the UK’s dying high-street. We were in desperate need of her help, but sadly the attitudes of some members of the residents, and shockingly some of the Margate Town Taskforce, prevented her from truly helping. The one man who did listen was Billy, the owner of the fantastic Kiss Me Quick! which is in the Old Town. Following the visits from Portas, Billy’s shop has become a booming business with a fantastic range of tourist treats, an original design collection from Tracey Emin herself, and a cheeky range of naughty treats for adults, a true reflection of Margate’s mischievous nature. Why was Billy the only one who was successful? Because he put what Portas said into practice. Since her visit, the town has not hosted another ‘in-land pier’ (a fantastic idea, which saw the street teeming with visitors), and are still sat pondering what it is that will make Margate rise once more.
Portas was also hugely disappointed, and strongly disagrees with the bid for a Tescos in Margate. My proposal would be that the town give her a second chance and work with her to ensure that Tescos is not Margate’s future – and for the Taskforce to sit with her, members of the council and our local MPs in an open forum with members of the public to form a thinktank of ideas that will bring Margate back on its feet – and this time for good. 

To me, there are so many brilliant ideas that should be put forward to rejuvenate Margate, and they’re not being heard. Margate – let’s do something about this, let’s get the voices of your public heard over the large corporations and town officials. 

The website for Kiss Me Quick is here .

Read an article about Tesco in Margate here 

Read about the Taskforce here 

Follow Mary Portas on Twitter here

If you are a member of the Taskforce and would like to contact me about anything I've spoken about here, please feel free to message me.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Satori Screen and Derby's QUAD

Friday 18th saw the year anniversary of the QUAD's very own Satori Screen, a monthly event dedicated to Asian Cinema. The film on show was the highly popular Oldboy, South Korea's 2003 Mystery-Thriller, directed by Chan-wook Park. The film follows Oh Dae-Su, a man who is kidnapped and imprisoned for fifteen years, before finally being released without any explanation. Bent on vengeance and a desire to find out why, he follows a series of clues to find his captor. The film is violent, shocking and gorgeous and it was wonderful to watch it on the big screen in a 35mm print. I highly recommend it.

Satori Screen was set up by Quaddie Peter Munford, and began with a fantastic double bill of Godzilla vs King Kong, and the completely bizarre Mantango, a film where people are turned into mushrooms after consuming a highly addictive fungi. Since then, the event has seen a colourful mixture of comic, intriguing, disturbing and inspiring pieces of Asian cinema. One that must be noted is the extremely rare Somi:Tae-Kwon Do Woman, which saw it's fourth (and possibly last) ever screening outside of Asia at the QUAD. It was an extremely special treat. If Asian cinema interests you, it's a definite must in Derby.

This is the beauty of the QUAD; the variety of brilliant cinema, art and activities that are on offer never fail to interest, illuminate and inspire the public. In the centre of the town, QUAD strives to be a creative hub for those with an interest in all things artistic. There are monthly poetry nights, writing groups, drawing groups and much more. One of my favourite monthly events is OST, which is a monthly event held in the cafe area. DJ Flatbush City Limits plays a fantastic arrangement of often quirky soundtrack choices from a variety of different films, often fitting in with a theme. Other fantastic events that occur annually include Dead and Breakfast, a horror marathon that falls close to Halloween (unfortunately I have had to miss it - it's tonight) and the fantastic I.D Fest, which is in the Summer season and boasts a host of interesting films and special guest (and they are real gems) talks around a set theme. Another great feature of QUAD is its selection of short courses in photography, film making and much more, which serve as an excellent platform to expand your knowledge and skill.

All in all, if you're looking for something to get your creative juices flowing, to expand a hobby (or start a new one), or just a nice night out, there is something for everyone.

The next Satori Screen is Ruroni Kenshin, a new release. The film is a cinematic telling of a Japanese Manga that follows an ex-assasin Kenshin in an action adventure "...filled with swordfights and intruige." (taken from QUAD). It looks like a real treat and will be screened on the 15th Novemeber at 8:45pm. For more information, join the Facebook group here.

The next O.S.T is 80s Cinema, Pop and Underground on 9th November at 7pm. For more information, join the Facebook group here.

If I have intruiged you with anything else, find the QUAD website here.....and their Twitter here.

Watch this space next month for a more in depth review of some more events in Derby.
Friday 15 November 2013
Friday 15 November 2013
Friday 15 November 2013
Friday 15 November 2013