Saturday 26 October 2013

Satori Screen and Derby's QUAD

Friday 18th saw the year anniversary of the QUAD's very own Satori Screen, a monthly event dedicated to Asian Cinema. The film on show was the highly popular Oldboy, South Korea's 2003 Mystery-Thriller, directed by Chan-wook Park. The film follows Oh Dae-Su, a man who is kidnapped and imprisoned for fifteen years, before finally being released without any explanation. Bent on vengeance and a desire to find out why, he follows a series of clues to find his captor. The film is violent, shocking and gorgeous and it was wonderful to watch it on the big screen in a 35mm print. I highly recommend it.

Satori Screen was set up by Quaddie Peter Munford, and began with a fantastic double bill of Godzilla vs King Kong, and the completely bizarre Mantango, a film where people are turned into mushrooms after consuming a highly addictive fungi. Since then, the event has seen a colourful mixture of comic, intriguing, disturbing and inspiring pieces of Asian cinema. One that must be noted is the extremely rare Somi:Tae-Kwon Do Woman, which saw it's fourth (and possibly last) ever screening outside of Asia at the QUAD. It was an extremely special treat. If Asian cinema interests you, it's a definite must in Derby.

This is the beauty of the QUAD; the variety of brilliant cinema, art and activities that are on offer never fail to interest, illuminate and inspire the public. In the centre of the town, QUAD strives to be a creative hub for those with an interest in all things artistic. There are monthly poetry nights, writing groups, drawing groups and much more. One of my favourite monthly events is OST, which is a monthly event held in the cafe area. DJ Flatbush City Limits plays a fantastic arrangement of often quirky soundtrack choices from a variety of different films, often fitting in with a theme. Other fantastic events that occur annually include Dead and Breakfast, a horror marathon that falls close to Halloween (unfortunately I have had to miss it - it's tonight) and the fantastic I.D Fest, which is in the Summer season and boasts a host of interesting films and special guest (and they are real gems) talks around a set theme. Another great feature of QUAD is its selection of short courses in photography, film making and much more, which serve as an excellent platform to expand your knowledge and skill.

All in all, if you're looking for something to get your creative juices flowing, to expand a hobby (or start a new one), or just a nice night out, there is something for everyone.

The next Satori Screen is Ruroni Kenshin, a new release. The film is a cinematic telling of a Japanese Manga that follows an ex-assasin Kenshin in an action adventure "...filled with swordfights and intruige." (taken from QUAD). It looks like a real treat and will be screened on the 15th Novemeber at 8:45pm. For more information, join the Facebook group here.

The next O.S.T is 80s Cinema, Pop and Underground on 9th November at 7pm. For more information, join the Facebook group here.

If I have intruiged you with anything else, find the QUAD website here.....and their Twitter here.

Watch this space next month for a more in depth review of some more events in Derby.
Friday 15 November 2013
Friday 15 November 2013
Friday 15 November 2013
Friday 15 November 2013

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