Sunday 30 June 2013


So I've been moving house which is why I'm on hiatus, but I promise I'll be back soon!

Monday 24 June 2013

Candy Kitten - Don't be tardy for the pardy!

Candy Kitten is a candy and fashion company with their own range of sloganed sweet treats (both hard and gummy) and clothing, with their slogan prints stretched across male and female tops and knits.

I got my hands on one of their  sweet strawberry pop  at the Company Blogger Forum, and let me tell you - it was sweet! It took time to eat, and certainly caught the attention of others with it's pop-pink design. I think that the sweets would be a pretty cool addition to a party, especially if your theme is "pretty in pink" or a Barbie style.

You should check out their website here and stock up for your next bash!

Company Blogger forum was a pretty ace event, which I'll be posting about in a few hours. For now, I'm off to see my Dad graduate like the proud daughter I am! Watch this space.

Tweet me your thoughts @rayeoffunshine
Tweet @Candykitten
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Saturday 22 June 2013

My new craze - Graze!

 I first discovered Graze when I got a 'free box' offer in my magazine. I signed up straight away and set up a day for delivery.

I marveled at the range of savoury and sweet snacks that were on offer, 6 of which will be picked and sent to you for £3.89 per box.

You can choose a nibblebox in either eatwell (healthy with occasional treats), boostbox (the most healthy box) or lightbox (low calorie treats only) or a breakfast box with a selection of brilliant porridges to start your day. I've tried an eatwell box, a lightbox and a breakfast box, all of which left me absolutely satisfied.
Banana bread and tea

The great thing about graze is it's all pretty healthy stuff, even the cake (on the right) was low calorie enough to be included in the lightbox (it also came with a tea to have with it, which was the perfect accompaniment. It's all the taste without affecting your waist, at long last!

A real beauty is you can set up a regular order that is delivered up to twice a week, or you can order a one-off box to be sent to you on your chosen day.

Graze are currently offering your first box for £1.94 and, trust me, it's worth it. You can also find free first boxes in magazines and amazon orders, so keep an eye out if you want to try before you buy. 

Try it here and join my favourite new snacking craze

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Alexander McQueen Fragrance

This afternoon it has been released that Alexander McQueen (headed by Sarah Burton) have signed a licensing deal with P&G Prestige and work on both a male and female fragrance has begun. After their last fragrances, Kingdom (2003) and My Queen (2005), both created with YSL Beauté, were discontinued, I'm very excited to see what P&G will offer to the British house.

McQueen is a fantastic pillar in British fashion, with unique, "fragile-but-somehow-strong" and somewhat emotional designs that still reflect their father in a poignant way. Burton has worked tremendously on staying in keeping with the ethos of McQueen, whilst also marking her own unique stamp on the company. I can only hope that this can somehow be reflected in a strong but delicate fragrance from P&G, but for now we will have to watch this space, as the release date is TBC.

The Autumn/Winter collection 2013 Experience was a beautiful collection, inspired by communion gowns, cardinals, angels, nuns, popes and more. See it here if you haven't already, and hold your breath for a great (we hope) new fragrance.

 Cheers to another venture, McQueen!

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Keep Your Hair On!

My gorgeous multi-toned wig

This year, wigs and hairpieces have taken to the catwalk, even with the likes of Kate Moss returning to the runway for Louis Vuitton in a short black bob.

Hairpieces are a great way to change up your look without the commitment. Before I started working, I used to spend a lot of time and money dyeing my hair different colours. Unfortunately it can be difficult to find a job that is comfortable with bright colours, and increasingly difficult to keep your hair in good condition.

Cheap isn't always cheerful

Sometimes, nabbing a bargain isn't always best for hairpieces. You don't want a tacky party wig after all! 
Human hair can be expensive, so if you're looking for a cheaper alternative, try and find a synthetic fibre like Kanekelon, which can take a medium heat from straighteners. However, if you're willing to stretch the budget, Remy hair wigs or extensions can come in all shapes and sizes and last a lot longer. You can also get a blend of human hair and synthetic fibres which can cut down on the price without taking too much quality away from it (my extensions bottom right are a blend).

Adding extensions for an Antoinette-esque look

There are so many different styles of wigs with various materials, so it can be pretty tricky to chose what's best for you and research is absolutely key. Think carefully about what it is you want and how much you are willing to spend. So why not try a change this summer and give your hair a break from the bleach?

Monday 17 June 2013

Why I LOVE Company Magazine

Company Magazine is a monthly publication that I really make the effort for. It's a fashion magazine, but it's so much more. With articles ranging from the "How I Got There", a regular feature that asks girls who are successful in their field to spill the beans on how they got to their dream job, to Jameela's columns that tackle issues closer to home, Company fills itself with interesting articles that are bound to interest you. 

Recently, Company published an issue that discussed feminism with different female figureheads that provided a great insight into feminism in different industries, and what it meant to women from different walks of life. Another brutally honest article titled "Skinny Club" highlighted a woman who loved to be thin and had no shame in admitting passing up on sweet treats and lying about having already eaten. The dynamic contrast in the two articles created a storm of comments online and certainly sparked a few debates. See, this is what I love about this magazine - its ability to make you think outside the box. 

On top of this, there are some great tutorials and how-tos published to get you customizing your clothes and styling yourself to perfection. I've learnt everything from nail design to scrunchie making, all of which impresses my friends and family to no end. If the how-to published in the magazine doesn't tickle your fancy, take a look at their website for the Cool Customiser section for some thrifty fashion fun. This is also a great place for competitions, advice, discussions and tons of extra content to satisfy you until the next issue.

Overall, Company focuses on us - the girls who will one day shape the world. It  inspires us to get to where we want to be and shares insights and thoughts of others, whilst still keeping our hunger for style satisfied and that's why Company Magazine is my magazine.

Thrifty but nifty fashion

I'm a fashionholic. I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for all things shoes, bags and clothes, but all of that can come at a price, so here are my tips for thrifty but nifty fashion.

Charity Shop 


It's become something tied with the hipster but, believe it or not, it really can work if you know what you're looking for. So here are some rules:
  1. (Window) Shop Around
    Have a look around and see what your charity shops offer. Is there something that stands out in one but not the other? Or was there something irresistible that makes you want to come back?
  2. Label Search
    Trust me - it's amazing what you can find if you rummage. I managed to bag myself 2 pairs of Doc.Martens, Rocket Dog boots and a French Connection dress. My mum even bought herself a gorgeous Red or Dead handbag for a fiver!
  3. Customize
    Customizing some charity shop-bought items is a great way of getting something completely original for a small price. Recently, I took the sleeves off of a dress and added a few sequins to create myself a 1920s style flapper dress. Lovely! 

Free Samples 

Designer make-up and scents can fetch a pretty price, but every so often, YOU can fetch yourself a pretty sample. Keep an eye on your favourite perfumes and  make up brands, because new releases often mean new samples or competitions to bag yourself something gorgeous.

Last month, Chanel offered free travel sized samples of their mascara, et voila!

Discount Websites 

Internet shopping is a huge business and there is a huge chance you can find some fantastic discounts on designer labels. A pair of my Irregular Choice shoes cost £6 including P+P on Ebay. Other websites worth a look at is Hardlyeverwornit where you can fix yourself up with some labels at hugely discounted prices. 

Sunday 16 June 2013

Polka Dot Rock

This S/S13, monochrome hit the high street in a rebellious answer to the cliché florals. I'm a huge fan of all things pin up, so I've taken to rocking my monochrome look with this adorable polka dot satchel from Topshop (£34) and matched them with these sunglasses from Primark (£2). 

Feeling LUSH

So it's pretty widely known amongst my more recent friends that I am an official Lushie. I came across the store three years ago, when the most gorgeous of smells led me through the shopping centre to a shop piled high with colourful lotions, potions and soaps.

The service is fantastic, with the staff  trained to be ever courteous, upbeat and helpful. After being advised on all the delights that would benefit myself (and how ethical they are, to benefit others too), I was allowed to choose some samples to take away with me. Trust me, it's worth telling them you're a Lush virgin to benefit from a little taster pot of facepacks, shampoo and shower gels that smell delicious. Hint - keep the pots when you're finished, because if you bring back 5 of them you get a free facepack. Lush love to recycle and I think that's a pretty good incentive.

So, what would I recommend?

Phoenix Rising

 Phoenix Rising is a magical, spicy bomb which fizzes glorious purple and green colours, with glittering gold flecks to add that extra magic sparkle. The smell's base all comes from the wonderfully warm cinnamon, which is accompanied by cocoa and shea butter, citrus and organic jojoba oil that leaves your skin feeling soft, and scents that fill your nostrils and bathroom for hours after. You do leave the bath and yourself a little sparkly, which I found perfect before a night out.

Angels on Bare Skin

This is a face cleanser that I swear by. Ever since using it, my skin has felt smoother and appears clearer. It's packed with sweet almonds and lavender buds, which smell divine and rubs into a paste in your hands, so a little really does go a long way! As all the ingredients are fresh, you do have to keep it in the fridge (even I can admit it can be weird going to the kitchen to fetch your face cleanser), but this is even more beneficial to your skin as it's not packed with preservatives, and the results are truly visible - the redness in my skin has been evened out, leaving me with a healthy glow!

Admittedly, some of these products can seem a little steep (some larger bottles of shampoo can be up to £17), but the benefits are phenomenal and make up for spending a little extra. On top of that, Lush is proud of its ethical status, with most products being vegan, organic and sourced and paid for fairly. Recycling and putting the planet first is also on top of their agenda, and it's not a rare occurrence that they'll be raising issues, passing out petitions and hosting  awareness events in store.

So, get yourself to your nearest Lush, or visit their website here to explore more of their wonders (or to purchase my top recommended) and watch this space for more Lush reviews!

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