Sunday 16 June 2013

Feeling LUSH

So it's pretty widely known amongst my more recent friends that I am an official Lushie. I came across the store three years ago, when the most gorgeous of smells led me through the shopping centre to a shop piled high with colourful lotions, potions and soaps.

The service is fantastic, with the staff  trained to be ever courteous, upbeat and helpful. After being advised on all the delights that would benefit myself (and how ethical they are, to benefit others too), I was allowed to choose some samples to take away with me. Trust me, it's worth telling them you're a Lush virgin to benefit from a little taster pot of facepacks, shampoo and shower gels that smell delicious. Hint - keep the pots when you're finished, because if you bring back 5 of them you get a free facepack. Lush love to recycle and I think that's a pretty good incentive.

So, what would I recommend?

Phoenix Rising

 Phoenix Rising is a magical, spicy bomb which fizzes glorious purple and green colours, with glittering gold flecks to add that extra magic sparkle. The smell's base all comes from the wonderfully warm cinnamon, which is accompanied by cocoa and shea butter, citrus and organic jojoba oil that leaves your skin feeling soft, and scents that fill your nostrils and bathroom for hours after. You do leave the bath and yourself a little sparkly, which I found perfect before a night out.

Angels on Bare Skin

This is a face cleanser that I swear by. Ever since using it, my skin has felt smoother and appears clearer. It's packed with sweet almonds and lavender buds, which smell divine and rubs into a paste in your hands, so a little really does go a long way! As all the ingredients are fresh, you do have to keep it in the fridge (even I can admit it can be weird going to the kitchen to fetch your face cleanser), but this is even more beneficial to your skin as it's not packed with preservatives, and the results are truly visible - the redness in my skin has been evened out, leaving me with a healthy glow!

Admittedly, some of these products can seem a little steep (some larger bottles of shampoo can be up to £17), but the benefits are phenomenal and make up for spending a little extra. On top of that, Lush is proud of its ethical status, with most products being vegan, organic and sourced and paid for fairly. Recycling and putting the planet first is also on top of their agenda, and it's not a rare occurrence that they'll be raising issues, passing out petitions and hosting  awareness events in store.

So, get yourself to your nearest Lush, or visit their website here to explore more of their wonders (or to purchase my top recommended) and watch this space for more Lush reviews!

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